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Solo Exhibition Nuraeni HG: Penjara Hati

15 Jun 2023 - 16 Jun 2023

Please come to the opening of
Solo Exhibition Nuraeni HG: Penjara Hati

Curated by Rizki A. Zaelani

Essay Contributor by Yudha Bantono

Officiated by Mrs. Endang Dipo (Art Lover)

Opening: Wednesday, June 14th , 2023 from 4 pm – 8 pm

Public Days: June 15th – June 16th, 2023 from 1 pm – 8 pm

The Energy Building | Lt.MZ

SCBD Lot 11A
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta

*For more information contact +62 812 1858 9944 (Andrey) or DM @galerizen1

  • Date: 15 Jun 2023 - 16 Jun 2023
  • Location:The Energy Building, Jakarta
  • Curators:Rizky A. Zaelani

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